Instagram Threads for Your Business: Yay or Nay?

Just a few hours after Threads was launched, it attracted 10 million users, and a few days after—it attracted 100 million. Multiple brands, creators, influencers, and regular users joined the new app introduced by Instagram to check what it's worth and see how they can leverage that novelty for sales and followership.

In this article, we'll try to answer that question and provide you with actionable tips to get the most out of Threads, a new standalone app and text-based service made by Instagram.

What Is Instagram Threads App & How Does It Work?

Adam Mosseri's tweet on Threads

According to Meta Platforms Inc. CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Threads is 'a new, separate space for real-time updates and public conversations.'

Unlike Instagram itself, Threads is a text-focused app that allows you to share short text posts and media. It's pretty similar to X (formerly Twitter): both platforms feature a feed of text-based posts, allowing you to stay updated on what's currently happening and engage in conversations of your own.

Speaking of the recommendations algorithm, your Threads feed will include accounts you follow and suggested content based on the Threads algorithm's predictions of what you may like.

With the ability to include photos, videos, and links in your posts of up to 500 characters, Threads is an excellent way to communicate with your audience and attract more followers to your Instagram page.

Threads vs. Twitter (X)

It has been speculated from the beginning that the Threads launch was not just to expand Meta's and Instagram's offerings but also to compete with X (Twitter). The idea is that Threads is designed to be more for entertainment purposes rather than news or politics like Twitter.

Unlike X, Threads allow you to share long videos, write posts that are 500 charachers long (X has only 280) but what the new Meta app lacks is the ability to communicate in direct messages.

Should My Business Be on Threads At All?

If you're running a business, it's important to make sure your social media pages are easily accessible to your customers. One way to do this is by using your business name consistently across all social media accounts. This allows people quickly find you on any platform they use, so to grab your business name on Threads before everyone else does, it's wise to sign up to Threads.

It also makes sense to start a Threads account if you're looking for a Twitter alternative, want to stay ahead of the curve, be on a new app while not many of your competitors do, and be cross-platform to expand your reach.

How to Create an Instagram Threads Account

Follow these easy steps to sign up for Threads:

  1. Download the Threads app. It’s available on Google Play and App Store.
  2. Sign in to your Instagram account.

💡 Yes, to use Threads, you have to be an Instagram user.

3. Hit Import from Instagram to let your profile data and settings migrate to Threads.

Alternatively, you can manually customise your Threads account by adding the name, profile picture, bio description, or links.

4. Click Next at the bottom of the screen.

5. Select if your account has to be public or private.

6. Hit Continue.

7. Click Create profile.

🔴 Note that currently, deleting your Threads account will also delete your Instagram account.

How to Use Instagram Threads for Business & Brand

Now that you're all set, it's time to get straight to action: tout your business using Threads.

Here are some tips that you might find valuable when using Threads to grow your brand.

Be Short & Funny

Being brief on Threads is vital since the number of characters you can type is limited to 500. Choose your words wisely to make sure you convey the message. Don't be shy and provoke your audience with controversial posts, and be ready to reply quickly.

Don't be afraid to be funny, as jokes and memes will promptly go viral on Threads, which might bring you a bunch of followers and new customers.

Network & Communicate

Share posts that incite discussions and quickly reply to comments. Ask questions, share what's on your mind, and communicate with your audience, since this will build a loyal community around your brand or product.

Do What's Already Working

Your audience on Threads is basically your Instagram audience (for the most part), and in order to keep them engaged, share what already works for your community on Instagram. With a small nuance, however: try to make it more brief and text-focused this time since such content is the nature of Threads.

Don't be afraid to experiment with jokes and memes, as these also are two content pillars of Threads.

Share What Others Share

Repost the content that other users post on Threads and reply to their content to grow your influence and visibility. This might be helpful to attract more followers to your Threads account and, as a result, your Instagram page, too! Leave funny or provoking comments under other people's posts, even your competitors, if that matches your tone of voice.

So the moral of the story is: be active, and you won't go unnoticed.

Target Threads-Only Audience

Although the new Threads algorithm is not yet fully understood, users who use Instagram may come across new accounts on Threads. This presents a unique opportunity for small businesses and brands, so it's crucial for businesses to quickly adjust and establish their unique brand voice and tone on the new app.

Brands should focus on creating content specifically and exclusively for Threads that will resonate with this new audience. Use Threads to reward loyal customers with exclusive content like sneak peeks of new products, behind-the-scenes looks, early access to sales, limited-time offers, and flash sales.

Share Your Best Tweets

If your brand has an X (formerly Twitter) account, you can post your best evergreen tweets on Threads! If they worked on X, it's likely they'll draw some attention on Threads, too.

Threads Features Every Brand Should Be Aware Of

On Threads, it's super easy to interact with other people and build a community.

If you use Instagram on a regular basis, three out of the four icons located at the bottom of each post are already familiar to you:

  • A heart icon is used to indicate that you like the post.
  • A quote bubble icon allows you to reply directly to the post. On Instagram, tapping this icon will take you to the comment section.
  • The repost button enables you to either repost the post directly onto your Threads profile or quote the post while adding your own commentary.
  • Lastly, the paper airplane icon is used to share the post on other platforms. By tapping this icon, you can add the post to your Instagram story or feed, post it on Twitter, copy the link, or share it through various other means.

Here are some things that you can leverage to grow both Threads and Instagram accounts.

Crossposting from Threads to Instagram

Instagram and Threads now work together seamlessly, thanks to Meta. You can easily share any public thread or your own post on Instagram by using the paper airplane icon at the bottom of the thread. Simply select "Add to story" and Instagram will load automatically. You can then share the post with your followers or edit it as you see fit.

Note: you won't be able to edit the content of the thread you're sharing, just like with an Instagram post. However, you can customise your story by adding stickers, GIFs, or changing the background.

Mutual Verification

Yes, if you have a blue check on Instagram, you automatically have it on Threads as well. There's no need to go through any extra steps to get that coveted blue checkmark again. When a verified Instagram account creates a Threads account, the blue checkmark will automatically appear next to the username.

No Ads (So Far!)

Threads currently has no ads or monetisation features. This may change soon, but for now, enjoy uninterrupted scrolling!

Threads Content Types

Similar to Instagram, this platform allows you to share pictures and videos. However, unlike Instagram, you also have the choice to share links, text-based messages, and animated gifs. You can share up to ten images or photos, up to five-minute videos, and carousels. Additionally, you can share .gifs using the Giphy app.

What you can’t post on Threads are hashtags, DMs, sponsored posts (ads), and pinned posts. However, Threads are updated so quickly that the new features are being rolled out across several markets as we speak.